Flat Deck Transportation
Flat Deck Transport services

We have the experience and capabilities to get the job done right
We transport industrial products, construction materials, agricultural machinery, packaged bulk goods, and many other deck-compatible commodities. Whether it is a one-time shipment or multiple loads, Vedder has the experience and expertise to get the job done right.
Complementing a variety of specialized flat deck movements, our team of professionals are experts in the movement of tubulars and steel commodities for the oil and gas industry. It is not unusual for this division to load up to 40 trailers a day from the docks in Vancouver, British Columbia destined for the oil and gas fields located in Alberta, Canada. We are the leader when it comes to coordinating, managing, executing, and expediting these types of shipments.
If your origin or destination is Western Canada, our integrated multi-commodity distribution centres in British Columbia and Alberta allow you to bulk ship to these locations where your freight can be delivered to local and regional customers.